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May Newsletter


Dear Families and Household Staff, 

Hello and welcome, the month of June!

“For many, the month of June reigns supreme over other months in the year. 

It’s the beginning of summer, and with it comes warm weather, beach trips, and garden barbecues.”

I know that many of us are enjoying a bit more freedom and welcoming the opportunities to ‘stretch our legs’ a bit more and introduce ourselves to a ‘new normal’. With many of us missing our daily routines and starting to integrate back to things we missed it feels exciting to start a new month and start to look forward to summer.

Virtual Online Pirate and Mermaids Crafts and Activities Workshop Success

We are delighted to inform you that our first Online Workshop was a great success! Planning our first online workshop encouraged us to think about how to make it as accessible as possible for all participants. 

We wanted the resources to be easy to use and for participation to be easily accomplished. Whether participants were able to join during the live-feed using Zoom, take part and share their creations using Instagram, email their creations back in response to the instructions that were emailed or watch online videos on our new YouTube channel. 

The content shared included:

- Pirates and Mermaids Arts and Crafts

- Pirate Themed Active Games

- Great Story Books and Songs Related to Pirates and Mermaids


- Floating and Sinking Science Links

With each set of instructions there were 'Curriculum and Learning Links' to be explored whilst doing each activity.

Your responses rewarded us with a real sense of community. In current times where a gathering to share ideas and educational learning tools may not have been possible, the

use of the internet allowed us to share creatively and happily with many, and share smiles and ideas across borders. 

G.V who took part in our live session fedback,

Thanks so much for having me again! Even though my bubs are a little bit young for some activities, I found it really interesting and lots of good ideas to start getting them interested in learning early!! I honestly think you're a really great presenter and you structure the workshops really well.”

Y.K who was also able to take part during our evening live session said,

Thank you for using Zoom to bring us together and to get to know each other. I watch 2 boys and they are huge fans of Pirates and I know will be happy to do these activities. Have a lovely day and looking forward  to seeing you again on ZOOM!”

M.D shared with us in response to our reading of Cats Ahoy, by Peter Bently shared on our YouTube channel - “We love this SO much! We hope you do more!” 

A.E made us smile with this feedback and photo,

“The little girl that I care for loved making her Mermaid Aquarium, I found the educational links that you shared with the instructions really helpful! She surprised me with her many adjectives for under the sea creatures! We have hung it on her door and she is already asking that we make another one!”

We were over the moon to have such positive responses from the Good People family and we felt such a feeling of togetherness in a time where that had been taken away from us.  

To be involved, follow us on Instagram, goodpeople_household,

and to view our videos on YouTube, simply type Good People Club Services into YouTube search.

Children's Books About Inclusion, Equality and Diversity As our TV screens show the unrest over police brutality rocking the US and the shocking

death of George Floyd, parents are faced with the challenges of explaining racism and equality to their children. Children may be asking questions over the disturbing video, or why demonstrators have taken to the streets across cities in America, and now globally. These ideas and scenes can be confusing and scary for young minds and eyes. We wanted to share some great books that help to educate and explain about inclusion, diversity and equality for you to share at home together. ‘Diversity is about ALL of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together. It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.’

Visit our blog to learn more,

Summer Nanny

With travel and holidays being an area for unknown planning at the moment you may be wondering what lies ahead for your summer. We all know how precious quality time is for us and our children and we want them to have good memories of these warm days. However, we also know how exhausting it is taking care of our children for a full day, especially with the amount of home schooling you have had to do and extra curricular activities that have been cancelled in the last few months.

With a nanny, one can find the balance: We can enjoy our kids, we can have good quality time in our relationships and the children will not lose the structure and routines that are part of their day to day during term time. Hiring a summer nanny may also be a healthier option for families that would usually use a Summer/Holiday Camp as their summer holiday childcare. Hiring a summer nanny allows you to take the time you may have lost or need, whilst confidently knowing that your children are being cared for and entertained. 

If you are interested in hiring a summer nanny contact our helpful consultants today to find out more, or simply send us your brief, or contact details (phone number and email) and we will contact you asap.

+41 (0) 22.552.4442

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