The three main causes for which the parents go to their paediatrician in winter are when their children are: feverish, have respiratory and digestive problems.
"Always wash hands, it prevents 50% of infections."
If your child is sick, do not send him to school. At the school children exchange more viruses than any other place and it will take a lot longer for your child to get better. If you need a last-minute childcare solution, contact Good-People.
Teach them to blow their noses rather than sniffing. Keeping this mucus (rather than blowing it out) is thought to contribute to a cycle of irritation that causes the snotty nose to persist for weeks or longer.
Teach the children to wash their hands, after eating, after playing, when they come from the street: This good habit will help to avoid 50% of infections.
Follow a healthy diet based on high consumption of vegetables and fruits and hydrate a lot.
It is preferable if the child lives in a smoke-free environment
If you choose to breastfeed, breastfeed the babies whenever possible. Your milk contains custom-made antibodies to help your babies fight the infection. In addition, giving milk frequently will keep your baby hydrated.
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