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Nannies: How to Find the Perfect Family


Updated: May 11, 2021

Finding the perfect family to work with is the surest way to fulfilment as a nanny. When you’re interviewing for different positions, you might feel pressure outshine your competition and prove you’re perfect for the job - but don’t forget one very important thing: the family has to be a good fit for you too. Committing to the perfect job can feel like a big leap of faith, but at Good People we’re here to help you along the way. Here are some surefire ways to find your perfect family.

Realise they're looking for you too.

As much as you are looking for a perfect family fit for you, they are looking for the perfect nanny for them, and it shouldn’t feel forced on either side when you meet each other. Trust that if you are the right person for the job - with all the right tools (more of this later) - they will see that.

Be the best candidate for the job.

This sounds easier said than done, but great families are looking for great nannies, so put your best foot forward. You can’t control what your competition says or does in the interview process, but you can be completely professional in your own behaviour. Remember that in many cases you may actually have more experience than the person who is interviewing you - if they have very young children they may even never have had a nanny before.

You can draw on your experience to put everybody at ease, which will make you stand out from the crowd.

Present yourself with a professional portfolio.

The documents you bring to an interview should include a professional CV, a cover letter, certificates of your qualifications, your references, copy of driver’s licence (if you have one), work permits, and all the necessary documentation.

...And add a little extra.

As well as the things that would be expected in your professional portfolio, think of the things you can do that will set you apart and show your personality. Perhaps you love cooking, and could include some recipes that showcase your skill for catering to picky eaters or kids with dietary restrictions. You might be super-crafty, and can include some samples of crafts and age-appropriate activities to show this off. (Make copies of the samples you want to leave behind so you don’t have to start afresh each time!) Show how organised you are with templates for daily schedules and emergency contacts. All of these demonstrate to families your thoughtfulness.

Keep up your training and hone your skills.

Do you speak several languages? Do you know sign language? Can you administer CPR? Play a musical instrument? Do origami? Families love it when you can impart a new skill to their little ones, so whatever it is you’ve learned, show it off. Life is about learning, so keep adding to your repertoire - find courses you can complete to increase your skill set.

Trust your intuition.

When you meet a family, look at the whole package and ask yourself the important questions. What are the parents like? Do the children seem happy and friendly? Do you have plenty in common with them - can you imagine yourself catering to their interests? Do you feel comfortable in the family’s company? Did they answer your questions clearly when you asked them? Are the boundaries of the job - hours and expectation of duties - clear? If you can answer these questions, then trust your intuition. And remember, as your experience grows, so will your intuition.

Take advantage of the trial period.

At Good People we're here to help facilitate communication between nannies and families in the first three months, and assist you to iron out any issues that might arise in the transition. This is for our staff’s benefit as well as our families’, because a happy arrangement must be just that for everybody involved.

Good People is a domestic staffing agency specialising in introducing high quality household assistance. We provide a simple, fast and professional service to recruit trained and vetted staff who match your family values. To discuss what we can do for you, or to join the Good People Club, get in touch today.

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